Leveraging Voice-of-Customer Platforms to Avoid Marketing Misfires

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Last week highlighted a significant moment in the world of brand messaging mishaps. Samsung was quick to capitalize on Apple's recent advertising blunder. 

There were various products or instruments used for creating art inside a press machine The machine started to move downward, crushing everything until it shatters everything into pieces, leaving behind only the iPad Pro. The commercial boasts about the ultra-thin design of the iPad Pro, showcasing its sleek and slim design. The ad clearly aims to showcase the convenience of creating art through a tablet, presenting it as an all-encompassing tool capable of replicating the functions of traditional creative tools. 

However, social media commentators perceived the ad differently, viewing it as a tasteless boast from Silicon Valley, a literal crushing of human creativity, and a misguided metaphor. Apple ultimately apologized for the commercial stating that they had missed the mark on what they wanted to communicate. Amusingly enough, LG already released a practically identical commercial years ago in 2008 introducing their KC910 Renoir camera-phone, that did not receive the same backlash.  

One Brand’s Misstep Becomes Another’s Step Forward 

In response, Samsung launched a campaign that not only criticized Apple's approach, but also highlighted its own innovation and commitment to customer-centric values. The commercial is brief but features an individual who arrives at a location where all the instruments have been destroyed and discovers a severely damaged old guitar. Subsequently, the woman begins to examine a musical staff on the Galaxy Tab S Ultra and proceeds to play the piece of music presented on the screen. They end the commercial with the phrase “Creativity cannot be crushed.”, emphasizing the enduring power of innovation.  

The Lesson in Customer Centricity 

Speaking of innovation, in today's competitive market, retail brands who are leveraging Voice-of-Customer (VoC) data to stay ahead and ensure they are creating for their perfect customer are winning. VoC data can provide invaluable insights into consumer preferences, perceptions, and behaviors, enabling brands to tailor their products, messaging, and marketing strategies taking brands’ customer centricity to new levels.  

By listening to real-time feedback, retailers can identify and rectify potential issues before they escalate, enhance customer satisfaction, and foster loyalty. Utilizing VoC data ensures that brands make informed decisions, ultimately leading to improved customer experiences, increased sales, and a stronger market presence. 

If Apple had utilized Voice-of-Customer data provided by platforms like InsightSUITE, they could have avoided the backlash from their recent ad campaign. InsightSUITE combines VoC data with AI to make any brand’s conversion goals a reality. The Marketing and Selling module can help retailers test their creative, messaging, campaigns, and targeting ahead of time. Making them question: How do we interact and talk to our customers? Once they've determined what to make, how to price it, and how much they will make of it, testing can be done to know just what to say about it. From logos designs down to packaging - driving consumers to cross the conversion finish line they are all after. 

Here’s how Apple could have benefited: 

  1. Market Research and Consumer Insights: Using First Insight's market research capabilities, Apple could have extended their understanding of their target audience. This includes assessing target profiles and personas to ensure the ad resonated well with consumers and did not offend or alienate any segment. Is the “customer-centric” tech titan all they claim to be? 

  2. Brand Health and Perception Analysis: Apple could have used our InsightSUITE to gauge brand perception and health. By engaging with consumers through surveys and feedback mechanisms, they could have identified potential pitfalls in their messaging. This would have provided critical insights into how the ad might be received, allowing for adjustments before launch. 

  3. Creative and Messaging Optimization: Testing alternative creatives and messages through InsightSUITE would have helped Apple identify which concepts and metaphors were most effective and least likely to offend. This pre-testing phase is crucial for fine-tuning advertisements to align with consumer sentiments and preferences. 

  4. Social Media and Influencer Feedback: Engaging with influencers and understanding their perceptions of the brand and campaign could have provided Apple with additional perspectives. Influencers often have a pulse on public sentiment and could have highlighted potential issues before the ad went live. 

  5. Ad Testing and Pre-Launch Validation: By using InsightSUITE to test the ad with a sample audience, Apple could have received valuable feedback on the ad’s impact. This would have allowed them to make data-driven decisions, ensuring the ad communicated the intended message without negative connotations. 

Incorporating these steps using InsightSUITE not only prevents costly marketing misfires but also strengthens brand alignment and consumer trust. For any retailer, leveraging consumer insights is key to crafting campaigns that resonate positively and avoid the pitfalls of insensitivity or misinterpretation. 

Instead of guessing what the consumer wants when making key decisions, get the consumer insights needed – quickly – to optimize business results. Chat with one of our Insight Experts on how InsightSUITE can let your customers guide your sales and marketing initiatives.  

retail technologies  voice of the customer  marketing

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