How To Determine If Something You're Buying Is Truly Sustainable

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Made from renewable resources, easily disposed of, and almost completely harmless to the environment, sustainable products are having a moment in the packaged goods and fashion industry, which are the major culprits of pollution. As environmental concerns are increasingly hogging the limelight these days, more people are embracing sustainable lifestyles through the consumption of eco-friendly products such as reusable shopping bags, recycled cutlery, and stainless steel drink bottles. 

What's more, a 2022 survey by Deloitte shows that more consumers are being proactive in choosing brands that adopt practices that greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. According to First Insight's 2019 report, Gen Z and Gen X shoppers are showing more willingness to spend more money on sustainable products, while Baby Boomers were least impressed by the idea of going sustainable. If you're looking for ways to reduce your footprint and go green, shopping sustainably is the way to go. With that in mind, let's check out the tips on how to determine if what we're putting money into is truly sustainable.


Gen Z  sustainability  retail sustainability

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